Mandalay Hill

One thousand seven hundred steps uphill will give you a bird’s-eye view of the city, the outlying areas of the Ayeyarwady plains and the misty Shan hills- a spectacular sight! Fascinating and interesting sights along the way include colourful souvenir stalls, the Pershewar Relics, possibly the world’s only authentic bones of Buddha and the gold-plated Shweyattaw Buddha of immense size.


  • In Phaw Khone Weaving

    In Phaw Khone Weaving

    There are two types of silk; the thick weave with designs and the thin ones in plain color. The silk woven designs from Inlay are the thinner ones. To weave a set of robe for a monk, it requires the fibers from 120,000 stems of the dark pink lotus. Now, scarves are also woven from dried lotus.

  • Shwedagon Pagoda

    Shwedagon Pagoda

    Shwedagon Pagoda atop Singuttara Hill, considered by many as the greatest and most impressive Buddhist pagoda in Myanmar today. Originally 8.2 metres tall, now it stands close to 100 metres in all its glory through successive renovations by Myanmar monarchs. The Pagoda, more than 2500 years old,...

  • Maha Wizira Pagoda

    Maha Wizira Pagoda

    The Maha Wizaya Pagoda was built on the Dhammarakkhita (Guardian of the Law) Hill which faces the famous Shwedagon Pagoda. in 1980 to commemorate the first successful convening of all sects of the Buddhist monastic order. under one supervisory body. It was built from funds donated by the people...

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